How to Get More Client Referrals for Your Business

And not have to struggle a day to get clients

Fisayo Patrick
4 min readApr 14, 2023

One of the best ways to build a profitable and sustainable business is through word of mouth referrals.

Referrals are most powerful when they come from someone who has a personal experience working with you. And if you are constantly getting referrals, you don’t have to struggle a day to get clients in your business.

If you serve your existing clients really well, they will pass your name to everyone they know. I am currently enjoying referrals in my business and trust me, it feels really good.

It makes you feel confident that you are doing your creative best and your clients are satisfied.

How can you get referrals in your business?

Ask for Referrals

Like I said before, if you serve your existing clients pretty well, they’ll mention your business to other people.

But sometimes, you should ask them to refer you to their friends. Now before you do that, you want to wait until you’ve provided your customers with unparalleled service.

You want to provide a great client experience that’ll have them falling in love with you.

Show up, do your best work, don’t miss deadlines, and keep communication open. Let them know what’s going to happen before it happens. Walk them through the process of working with you, so they know what to expect.

Build a Compelling Brand

You need to have a professional, cohesive and a really compelling brand. No matter how great you are at what you do, if you have no brand at all or you have one that is cheap and shoddy, prospects will turn away from you.

Imagine not having a website when a prospect is actively searching for your business name. Imagine having an Instagram account that’s filled with unprofessional photos and unclear messages.

An effective brand will help you to build trust with prospects who will then become paying customers and then become your super fans. Having a brand just says to customers that your services are consistent and professional.

Volunteer to Work With Others

The deal is, get clients, serve them well and get them to refer you to others. But in cases where you are not getting clients, esp because you just got started, you may want to volunteer your services for a while.

When you do, you want to make sure that you do a lot of good work, show up consistently and give your best.

It is those you volunteer to work for or work with that will then start to refer you to others. This has worked for me plenty of times and it’s still working for me.

So instead of waiting for that 1 million dollar client that will refer you to a 100 million dollar client, volunteer and get on people’s radar.

Be Clear About What you Offer

First, you have to be known for one thing. And then be clear about what you offer. Make sure people understand what you do and how you can help.

So many business owners are GREAT at what they do, but end up going under because they fail to communicate the value they deliver in a clear and compelling way.

Deliver Great Brand Experience

Be sure that your client experience, from beginning to end, is streamlined, easy, and always productive from the client’s point of view. Show them that you’re worth their time.

Your consultation, welcome, and onboarding process should be smooth. It’ll show that you have your act together and that you take your own business seriously.

Remember that a client is trusting you with their business, so anything you can do to demonstrate that they are safe in your hands is a big win.

Build a Community

Speak, lead workshops, be interviewed on podcasts, guest blog, and participate in organizations or networking communities where you can start to build relationships.

Network, A LOT!

consistently participate in online and in-person networking events and communities. When you’re consistent, people start to remember your face, name and what you offer, and they think of YOU first when they, or someone they know, needs the type of service you provide.


I’m going to be honest with you, this article is actually a script for my YouTube video. I have created and published the video and you can watch it here.

But really, I’m not a lazy writer, if I had the time, I’d have done a lot of justice to this post. But here’s why I can’t.

I’m glad you read up till this point, and thanks for understanding. Till next time.



Fisayo Patrick

I help career professionals who can’t wait to bolt from their 9–5s build digital businesses | Digital Tech Expert | Content Creator | 📧